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Friday 14 February 2020


Motivation is the reason for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation is also one's direction to behavior, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior. An individual's motivation may be inspired by others or events (extrinsic motivation) or it may come from within the individual (intrinsic motivation). Motivation has been considered as one of the most important reasons that inspire a person to move forward. Mastering motivation to allow sustained and deliberate practice is central to high levels of achievement e.g. in the worlds of elite sport, medicine or music.

Goal-setting theory: Goal-setting theory is based on the notion that individuals sometimes have the drive to reach a clearly defined end state. Often, this end state is a reward in itself. A goal's efficiency is affected by three features: proximity, difficulty, and specificity. One common goal setting methodology incorporates the SMART criteria, in which goals are: specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Time management is an important aspect to consider when regarding time as a factor contributing to goal achievement. Having too much time allows areas for distraction and procrastination, which simultaneously distracts the subject by steering his or her attention away from the original goal. An ideal goal should present a situation where the time between the initiation of behavior and the end state is close. With an overly restricting time restraint, the subject could potentially feel overwhelmed, which could deter the subject from achieving the goal because the amount of time provided is not sufficient or rational. This explains why some children are more motivated to learn how to ride a bike than to master algebra. A goal should be moderate, not too hard or too easy to complete.

Most people are not optimally motivated, as many want a challenge (which assumes some kind of insecurity of success). At the same time, people want to feel that there is a substantial probability that they will succeed. Specificity concerns the description of the goal in their class. The goal should be objectively defined and intelligible for the individual. Similarly to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a larger end goal is easier to achieve if the subject has smaller, more attainable yet still challenging goals to achieve first in order to advance over a period of time. A classic example of a poorly specified goal is trying to motivate oneself to run a marathon when s/he has not had proper training. A smaller, more attainable goal is to first motivate oneself to take the stairs instead of an elevator or to replace a stagnant activity, like watching television, with a mobile one, like spending time walking and eventually working up to a jog. 
Note: all goals are subject to the individual's skills and abilities.

The Word ''DIAMOND'' Can Change Your Life


Let's See How The Diamond Is A Word That Can Completely Change Your Life. We Did Not Consider Ourselves A Player A Few Times, Even Though We Know The Story Of Robert Bruce, So Let's See How That Story Can Be Applied In Life. If You Want To Enjoy The Next Life In A Beautiful Way, Then You Must Apply This Word In Your Life.

The Word ''DIAMOND'' Can Change Your Life

D=>Don't Prejudge Your Ability.
 I=> I Am The Best.
A=>Any Personal Problems Don't Mix With Your Profession.
 M=>Motivation Are All-Time Active.
O=>Outstanding Performance For Your Ambition.
 N=>Never Think Loser Type.
 D=>Delicious Success Wait For You.

The Word ''DIAMOND'' Can Change Your Life

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